Monday, February 21, 2011

A Valentine's Do-over!

As Valentine's turned out to be a bit chaotic, and not what we expected...we decided for a do-over.  Well, Graham was having a do-over, and I was hoping to enjoy every minute of it!  I was not disappointed!!!!

I woke up this morning, ridiculously early for a day off (not a surprise, as 5:30 is now sleeping in for me lately), so I decided to bake some double chocolate chunk cinnamon heart cookies.  I was inspired by the cookie I had at Sweet Flour a couple of weeks back, but knew I needed to eat smaller ones, as the hives I got from that much chocolate, was an uncomfortable time for me.  They turned out great, and Graham decided he doesn't like cinnamon hearts, so BONUS for me!

I was sent back to bed after Graham leisurely woke up at 8:30, as he had breakfast planned for us!  It wasn't a surprise, as I was banned from the fridge since yesterday afternoon, but I had no idea what he had up his sleeve! 

Needless to say, 30 mins later, I heard the blender going and felt very confused as to what he was making for breakfast.  I didn't hear the oven go on, or anything crackling on the stove.  He came in when everything was ready and asked me to come out.  I came out to this...YUMMY!

Smoked salmon for bagels with whipped cream cheese, capers, dill, pepper, salt, and lemons.  With blackberry and raspberry yogurt smoothies.

I want days off, and holiday re-dos more often!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Awe! What a sweetie!! Glad you had such a good day off!

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