Friday, December 16, 2011

Friends forever!

Dana and I have been friends for a VERY long time!  We met back in grade school, but didn't hang out and become friends until Highschool (we went to different schools, but we met through Calvinettes at church).  When we became friends, we became close and we spent a lot of time together, always laughing, always making memories and always sharing our deepest thoughts and secrets.  She was, is and will always be, someone I can completely trust!

With both of us working shifts, we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like...but when we do, we always try to make the most of it!  Through the years, we have always gone out for dinner, drinks, movies, coffees or drives, so that we could catch up and talk.  At Christmas, we used to get a coffee/tea and go out for a drive, in whatever town/city we were living in and go and look at "the crazy houses with all of the lights".  We loved it.  We hadn't done it in a few years, so Graham and I thought that our "crazy houses" in Pickering, would be the perfect start to a dinner out!

We couldn't and can't ever prepare someone for the houses here.  Once you hear about it, you think it's going to be crazy...and it always is, but it's so over-the-top insane, you almost can't take it all in when you get there!  Dana could not believe her eyes, when we pulled up to a few houses, that were covered in lights...little did she know, they barely had any compared to where we were taking her next.

While she's never seen "Christmas Vacation"  WHAAAAAAAT?, she thoroughly was SHOCKED when we pulled up to, what she now refers to as: "The houses that THREW UP Christmas".  We laughed A LOT, joked around, took some photos and were mesmorized, as if it was 10 years ago, the first time we ever got in the car to go look at lights together...


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